FIRE: Financial Independence, Retire Early

When I started blogging, I often lamented that I didn’t learn about FIRE when I was in my 20s. I could have saved more and retired from my engineering career with a bigger retirement fund. The earlier you start saving, the more your investment can compound. However, I have a... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-15
Source: Retire by 40
The Sunday Best is a collection of articles I’ve curated from the furthest reaches of the internet for your reading ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-15
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #129! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.   Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles Valuable Lessons from My Eighth Year of Freedom (Mad Fientist) – “Dave’s comment – I don’t... The post T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 129 appeared first on Accidental... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-13
Source: Accidental Fire
The yield curve is a graph that plots the yields of bonds that have the same credit quality but across ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-12
Nowadays, more and more physicians are turning to secondary jobs to supplement their clinical work. And it isn’t hard to ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-09
Hey everyone! Summer is over. Our son is back in school and the weather is turning cooler. It’s nice and quiet at home again. Ahhh… August was a tough month for me. I got shingles and spent most of the month in pain. After 5 weeks, the rashes on my... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-09
Source: Retire by 40
The Sunday Best is a collection of articles I’ve curated from the furthest reaches of the internet for your reading ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-08
As a physician, you’re no stranger to the demands of a demanding career. But have you ever considered how a ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-06
To say there is a gender equity issue in medicine would be an understatement. Women face gender gap issues in ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-04
As we’re getting close to the final stretch of the 2024 presidential election, there’s been more attention on the tax ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-03
We’ve been talking a lot about expert witnesses lately. From the job description to what it takes to become an ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-02
Hey Everyone, I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend. It’s fantastic to have an extra day off, but we should reflect on what this holiday is all about. Labor Day was created to celebrate workers and their socioeconomic achievements. Workers have come a long way since the Industrial... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-01
Source: Retire by 40
The Sunday Best is a collection of articles I’ve curated from the furthest reaches of the internet for your reading ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-01
Steve Abramowitz from Humble Dollar delves into the unexpected performance of the JPMorgan Equity Premium Income fund (JEPI), a fund ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-08-30
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #128! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.   Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles Will Early Retirement Reduce My Life Expectancy? (Early Retirement Now) – “…even in the worst case,... The post T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 128 appeared first on Accidental... Read more
Published on: 2024-08-30
Source: Accidental Fire
Medical providers play a crucial role in your health and well-being, so expecting them to perform their duties with care ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-08-29
Becoming an expert witness has risen in the list of alternate jobs for physicians in the US. Why? Many ongoing ... Read more... Read more
Published on: 2024-08-28
Over the last few years, the cost of living in the US has risen dramatically. The news tells me that people can’t make ends meet. Even high-income households are having problems keeping up with the bills. This is due to high inflation over the last few years. Housing, transportation, and... Read more
Published on: 2024-08-26
Source: Retire by 40
Hey everyone! Thank you for all the well wishes. I’m recovering from the shingles outbreak on my face. The shingles got down to my left eyelid and I was worried for a while. Shingles can cause vision loss if it spreads to the nerves in your eyes. My optometrist checked... Read more
Published on: 2024-08-19
Source: Retire by 40
Welcome to “Thank God I’m FI” Friday, Volume #127! Here are some things I really like and that you might too.   Financial Independence/Work Life/Retirement Articles Good Enough for Me (Humble Dollar) – “I’m cheap, frugal, thrifty, a tightwad, know the value... The post T.G.I.F. Friday: Volume 127 appeared first on Accidental... Read more
Published on: 2024-08-16
Source: Accidental Fire
Hey everyone. I’m back in Portland, but all is not well. I’m calling in sick this week. It’ll be a short post today. A week ago, I thought life was good and nothing could go wrong. Oh boy, I found out life can hit you in unexpected places. Food poisoning... Read more
Published on: 2024-08-12
Source: Retire by 40