So, you’re killing it as your own boss, or you’re part of the backbone of the American economy working at a small business. You’ve got your business or career plan in place—but what about your retirement plan? Are there options out there for you? Don’t worry, there are—and one you’ll... Read more
Published on: 2024-10-11
I answered a Facebook inquiry in a local community group from a small business owner wanting to rebrand their business. And the next day I had a contract to develop a simple, small business website for $1,000 over the next three weeks. Yep. Sometimes, it is that easy. Completing the... Read more
Published on: 2024-10-10
Amazon Prime Days (October 8-9) are upon us! Historically, I haven’t looked at these sales with much enthusiasm. I’ve come across reports suggesting that Amazon sometimes inflates prices prior to Prime Days, creating an artificial “price cut” when items are really just returning to their original price. This makes shopping... Read more
Published on: 2024-10-08
We moved to Georgia, a little over 7 years ago now. What are my worst financial decisions since making this unexpected, unplanned move? Sacrificially saving – I have had several great paying jobs over the last 7 years. And each time, even though experience should have taught me, I did... Read more
Published on: 2024-10-08
Gather ’round, ye children, and I will teach you of an essential moment in Millennial cultural history. The year was 2012 and a white boy with an egregious undercut was topping the charts rapping about your granddad’s clothes. Not only was this chart-topping song a banger (in fact, it slapped).... Read more
Published on: 2024-10-07
Month two of tracking my spending. There is certainly some variance from my forecast due to the last minute trip to Texas and some medical expenses plus an unexpected refrigerator repair. But overall, I was able to stick pretty close to the forecast. DateCategory/PayeeAnticipated AmountActual Spend 09-01-2024Groceries / Hygiene /... Read more
Published on: 2024-10-06
Note: I am writing this post before the post about my decision to sell my home and move next spring is published. I’m already foreseeing alot of commentary about what a terrible financial decision this is. And I get that. But in the end, this was not a financial decision,... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-29
Anyone who reads here knows that I have been STRUGGLING for a couple of years now with what is next for me. Since the kids started growing up and moving out and then away, I have spiraled in so many ways. I was just not at all mentally prepared for... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-26
Money’s tight for just about everybody right now (thanks, inflation). As you look for ways to cut costs, you’re probably wondering, What are the average American’s monthly expenses? Is everyone spending this much on food? News flash—everyone’s situation is different. After all, if you have kids, you’re guaranteed to spend... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-26
Would you give a big presentation at work without preparing at all? What about your wedding day? You wouldn’t just show up without a plan and hope it all worked out, right? Not in a million years. The truth is, you’re way more confident—and you enjoy life more—when you’re prepared for... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-26
I wrote at the end of August about starting a MONEY and FOOD diet for the month of September. Has anyone been joining me? I wanted to check in with a progress update now that we’re nearing the end of the month! Meal Planning & Eating At Home I give... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-23
I have been “forecasting” for years. It’s my way of budgeting and planning. My kids also use this method. Here is my planned spending for next month. Praying there are no surprises because I am planning to the last penny especially with Princess’ wisdom teeth surgery this coming month. 10-01-2024Groceries... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-20
Something tells me that many of our readers are contemplating political campaign donations right about now. Don’t ask me how I know this. Because I really couldn’t say! Maybe it’s just my woman’s intuition! Which is definitely not a conditioned hypersensitivity to threatening nonverbal communication under the patriarchy, but cool... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-18
Three of my five children, my three sons are now wholly independent of me financially. And the remaining two should be standing on their own two feet within the next 12 months or sooner. They Grew Up Different Now let me caveat this post with this background, we are not... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-18
Another step closer. And you will see new dates on the table for the remaining debt. They are still kind of soft dates, but totally achievable based on my forecasting. But will certainly firm up by the end of the year. Debt DescriptionOctober, 2023 TotalInterest RateMinimum PaymentCurrent Total Payoff Date... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-15
Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since we gave you an update on what’s happening behind the scenes at Bitches Get Riches. Probably because… We assume you kinda don’t care. We avoid talking about our plans publicly, because our follow-through often sucks, and we prefer not to be held... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-11
I’ve been keeping a secret from you all. But I want to share an important family update. We have added a member to our family! We got a new dog! Backstory It all started during the second semester of last school year (anyone else think in academic years rather than... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-09
Another debt bites the dust. Amazon CC debt be gone! Some of you may remember that this debt has been almost gone before…just a few months ago. And then I went a little spend happy and ran it back up. No more! I’ve hesitated to cancel this account due to... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-07
Loneliness is poison. It’s literally killing us. Over the past couple of decades, researchers have repeatedly found a direct link between loneliness and a whole host of physical and psychological problems like heart disease and mental illness.1 Loneliness cripples us physically, unwinds us mentally, and makes it impossible to be... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-06
Much like 2021, 2022 was a year of economic uncertainty for most Americans. Many are less than optimistic about their economic futures, and financial struggles continue to be top of mind—including the difficulty of paying for the basics. Record inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, rising interest rates, job layoffs and rumors... Read more
Published on: 2024-09-06